Horizon Liberty creation 2019 | In Situ Form
Duration 30 min – Forme in situ outside
At a time when mankind is going through a period of overpopulation of its space, when it is struggling in search of new horizons by travelling in an infinite void and without air, we are cowering in confined and sometimes virtual spaces, in which we exist without the need for movement.
In this context, where are our spaces of freedom? What are they? In the group, in our relationships, in our companies, in our cities, in our lives. Where are they created? Where do they lead us?
With the roofs and the facade of the large theatre as an area of expression, from a group of contemporary circus artists and Free-Runners coming from the urban space, a ballet in counter-dive is written, between sky and city. A project for all audiences, which is recreated each time by taking possession of heritage spaces, historic or atypical places, Horizon is an ode to Freedom.
Freedom. Non-quantifiable freedoms. Fundamental freedoms.
To think, to be oneself, to be different. Freedom of movement.
To run. To breathe.
Until the horizon…
Director and choreography Raphaëlle Boitel
Artistic collaboration Tristan Baudoin
General manager, machinerie Nicolas Lourdelle
Director assistant Alba Faivre
Original Music Arthur Bison
With Alba Faivre, Cyril Combes, Charles Poujades,
Julien Meynier, Birguil Tall, Houssyne Yousfi, Mohammed Ayari,
Matteo Battista, Rachel Cazenave, Nicolas Lourdelle
With the support of Bordeaux City,
Collaboration of Opéra National of Bordeaux,
Condition Publique of Roubaix and ADDAB of Bruges
See all the dates for the season 24/25
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